Books & Blog by Tom
Books for people interested in New Zealand history. Blog for people interested in current events.
Irish Convict Series
Tom O’Connor’s latest releases; historical fiction novels based on true stories of several real Irishmen in the early 1800s living in New Zealand.
Lost Sons
Maurice O’Brien is an Irish youth struggling the transition from boyhood to manhood in Ireland in the 1830’s. When trouble finds him, he lands in court and faces the sentence for convicts; transportation to Botany Bay – the other side of the world.
Outback Shepherds
Maurice is an Irish convict in the New South Wales penal colony – a wild and dangerous place. He grapples with despair and loneliness of the outback. Escape is almost impossible, but those who do find themselves in the land of heathen savages.
New Zealand
When Maurice O’Brien reaches New Zealand he is a mutineer and an escaped convict. Surviving in the so-called land of heathen savages and cannibals is as difficult and dangerous as New South Wales. He now has to settle in a new land and culture.
Homeward Bound
In spite of the dangers of sailing small boats around Cook Strait and surviving a gunfight with one of the most ferocious musket armed Maori tribes, Maurice O’Brien must decide if New Zealand is his home or return to his homeland of Ireland.
Te Rauparaha Trilogy
Historical fiction novels based on true stories of New Zealand Maori in pre-european times.

Tides of Kawhia
Based on the true events of Ngati Toarangatira based in Kawhia and Aotea in late the 1790s.

Pathways of Taranaki
Tells the story of how Te Rauparaha lead Ngati Toa south to escape invading Waikato tribes.

Shadows of Kapiti
The strange Pakeha with their huge ships, and deadly weapons are seen through Maori eyes.
Tom's latest blogs
The non-existent enemy and following fools
About Tom O'Connor
Tom O’Connor is a writer. He is the author of several books, writes opinion columns published by some New Zealand newspapers. Extra opinion pieces are posted here as blogs. Tom O’Connor is a Justice of the Peace, an elected Councillor at Waimate District Council and a retired journalist.