Shadows of Kapiti
The original Shadows of Kapiti book was first published in 2011 by AR Marshall Graphic Design ISBN 9-780473196-15-8 This first edition is Out of Print.
Due to demand for second hand copies, Shadows of Kapiti was republished by Kirsten Wilson Publishing in 2021 (ISBN 978-0-473-56811-5) as a second edition.
Shadows of Kapiti is the third historical novel in a series on the life of the Ngati Toarangatira fighting leader Te Rauparaha and covers their arrival in the lower North Island and incursions into the South Island at the height of the phenomenon which recently came to be known as the Musket Wars. While most of what happened at this time is known by historians and many senior Maori, few people outside these circles know the reasons behind many of the actions taken by tribal leaders.
Drawing on written histories, oral traditions and ancient songs the author tells a little known but fascinatingly true story behind the exploits of Te Rauparaha and his people.
The tales of heroism, tragedy, a strict code of chiefly conduct and the early impact of muskets and European ships are all historically accurate. However, driven by competition for trade with the recently arrive Pakeha, many tribes put aside ancient protocols that limited warfare. The result was a quarter of a century of intertribal bloodletting and near extinction of some tribes.
Tom O’Connor is currently writing the sequel to Shadows if Kapiti that tells the final years of Te Rauparaha’s life. Subscribe to the mailing list to find out when this next book will be published.