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Feed and Build Community before Debates and Travel Bubbles

In a time of unprecedented uncertainty about our protection from a deadly disease and the future of the planet it can often be helpful to look back at how our parents and grandparents managed in the face of adversity. They fed and clothed often quite large families through the very tough times of the major economic depression of the 1930s and the dreadful uncertainties of two world wars. In addition, they helped others less fortunate than themselves in an age when that was a traditional responsibility.

Saving the Home in hard times.

It is difficult to understand why so many people are taking the unnecessary risk of losing their homes through unmanaged mortgage default when a rescue package is available simply for the asking.

No room for politics in pandemics

We won the first round against Covid-19 on points only. We took a bit of a hammering and collected a few bruises in the process but the fight is far from over. We also dodged a few low blows from some in the audience who wanted the government to drop its guard and relax border controls.