Referenda is Democracy
The bleating, bitter recriminations and speculation about why people voted in the two referenda, run in association with the recent general election, have thankfully finally died. In… Read More »Referenda is Democracy
The bleating, bitter recriminations and speculation about why people voted in the two referenda, run in association with the recent general election, have thankfully finally died. In… Read More »Referenda is Democracy
There will be attempts to define the collective will of voters by us commentators and we are fortunate that we are not selected and easily ignored. Which is precisely how should be. After more than half a century of observing people and politics this move to the political left however was dramatic enough to demand comment.
We won the first round against Covid-19 on points only. We took a bit of a hammering and collected a few bruises in the process but the fight is far from over. We also dodged a few low blows from some in the audience who wanted the government to drop its guard and relax border controls.
The Kingitanga is, by its very nature, a political organisation but should it dabble in politics or not? Earlier this year the current Maori King Tuheita made the surprising announcement to endorse specific political parties in the lead up to the NZ general election. Was it a desperate move or a mistake?
Does New Zealand need a formal constitution of rights for it’s citizens? Some politicians suggest it would be a hinderance to government. Others say it would be impossible to include the rights of The Treaty of Waitangi (image courtesy of Archives New Zealand).
Opinion column by Tom O’Connor published by Waikato Times 29 August 2017